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In this post, we will be discussing what people have done over a long-term weight loss maintenance study. What do they do that helps them keep off the 30, to even 60 pounds off over a long period of time? This was (and still is) an ongoing study to see what people who lost large amounts of weight did to keep it off and maintain weight loss. Since weight loss is very difficult to keep off, they wanted to find out what these people did to keep off the pounds.
Characteristics of Those who maintained & Lost Weight (1)
- 80% of the participants or those in the registry are women
- They lost an average of 66 pounds and kept it off
- The weight loss has ranged from anywhere to 30-300lbs.
- 1 year to 66 years of successful weight management!
- 45% lost weight on their own
- 55% lost weight with the help of a program
- 98% modified their food intake
- 94% increased physical activity (usually in the form of walking- MY FAVORITE)
10 Habits That will Help You Lose Weight and Sustain Your Weight Loss:
So what did they do? It’s quite simple. First, they probably broke it down into small mini-goals and created SMART goals that were reasonable for them.
Habit 1: A Majority of them eat breakfast every day
Habit 2: They weighed themselves at least 1 time a week
Habit 3: They watched less than 10 hours of tv a week (less sedentary)
Habit 4: They exercised on average 1 hour a day
Habit 5: They eat a low calorie, lower-fat diet
Habit 6: They were consistent with their diets weekly
Habit 7: They do not eat a large variety in foods other than fruits and vegetables (this can help limit the number of calories consumed
Habit 8: They have pretty good self-control
Habit 9: They drink low calorie/ no-calorie sweetened beverages
Habit 10: They stick to the dietary strategies that helped them lose weight in the first place (dietary strategies that worked for them, it is most common that they ate a low-calorie diet with lower fat and high exercise)
Related: 11 Effortless Ways to be in a Calorie Deficit
Bonus: Weight Loss Tips that Can Further help you with your goals
- Dietetic counseling
- Start small
- Experimenting with whatever works for you- if it doesn’t work, stop doing it and try something new ?
- Don’t focus so much on weight loss, and don’t be so hard on yourself! The more you are relaxed about it, the more you will lose. Focus on hobbies, activities, family, and having an enjoyable life and a healthy lifestyle will follow.
- Exploring what triggers you to not eat healthily or exercise
- Find your “why”. Studies show that intrinsic value is more important than external value.
- hire me, a health coach to help you create a plan, action steps, encourage you and help you accomplish your goals.
- Find a weight loss program that has support and be wary about those that eliminate macronutrients or are overly strict.
- TOPS– Taking Off Pounds Sensibly
- Weight Watchers
These are just a few behavioral approach examples that can be helpful! These programs may include real health professionals like registered dieticians, exercise psychologists, Therapists, personal trainers, health and wellness coaches and even physicians.
- 10 Quick Workout Ideas for College Students
- Why Walking Works for Weight Loss + Tips on How to get more steps
- 6 Lazy Ways to a Bigger Booty
Long-term results and consistent weight loss are different for each individual. However, there are some things we can learn from these successful losers. These include eating less food, lower fat diets, and exercise. The above mentioned are what the health professionals (including myself) recommend all the time. The ways are not only heart-healthy, but they can help you age better, live longer, and feel better without trying. Behavioral approaches can be done on your own or with help if you have tried several times on your own. Behavioral approaches are most successful when trying to lose weight or keep it off.
5 May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, 6 that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
ROMANS 15:5-6
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- National Weight Control Registry http://www.nwcr.ws/Research/default.htm
- All of the information was found with the studies listed here, I read the abstract and wrote the habits in the post. http://www.nwcr.ws/Research/published%20research.htm