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The bible is full of knowledge and wisdom. In fact, the bible even says that “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10. There are tons of verses that talk about food, what we should eat, and even how we should eat. I know there is a lot of verses in the old testament you might have recalled, but there are also even more in the new testament. healthy eating is essential for our bodies!
Whatever the case, these ways will help you to feel great, get clear, have more wisdom, and even be closer to God and family members. With these biblical principles, take caution and read your bible along with learning these principles. These aren’t all of them, but during the past week, I took some time to dive deep into the Word of God to see what He has to say about eating and food.
Also, take time in prayer and ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help you understand these principles or reveal to you what you need to know.
Biblical Principles to Keep in mind for a healthy flourishing life
Do not idolize foods (or drink) by being tempted deeply by them.
1 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Corinthians 6:12, Galatians 5:16-26, Matthew 26:41
These verses really speak for themselves. Our God is a jealous God, are you putting these fleshly desires above Him? It might not seem like a fleshly desire but it can quickly become one when we think about that thing more than Him. This can also come into the form of eating disorders, gluttony, and addiction. Also, God is so faithful and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, so do not fear! There is always a way out.
I love James 1:12 “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.”
Let us put off the corruptible and put on Christ as the incorruptible. (1 Corinthians 53-55)
Don’t overeat foods as they can lead to feelings of no self-control
Romans 12:1-2, Proverbs 25: 16, Galatians 5:16-18, Galatians 5:22-25, Proverbs 23:2
We must be transformed by the renewing of our minds in Christ, and represent our bodies as holy and good. This means possibly eating the foods that are deemed clean in the bible, and taking care of our body how God wants us to. This is a foundation of eating healthy biblically.
It is also important for us not to overeat lest we get sick and have an easier risk of getting/ receiving disease. Lastly, when we walk in the Spirit, we are asking Him to help us rid of the temptations, receive discipline and self-control for some of the things we are consuming, reading, watching, listening too, and even saying. It is a very powerful thing to walk fully in the Spirit.
RELATED: Check out how God healed my overeating tendencies!
Eat the foods God created for the human race
Genesis 1:29, Leviticus 11:9, Deuteronomy 14:4, Daniel 1:12-13, John 21:13
Wow, just to walk in a local garden, a farmers market or the vegetable area of the grocery store really shows us what God’s food looks like. Notice how its brightly colored, fresh, and of course, ALWAYS healthy!! The verses do not indicate a fully vegan diet, but a whole food diet that God created for us in the very beginning. This whole food diet from scripture is the key to biblical healthy eating.
The Mediterranean diet/ WFPB diet are basically a biblical diet. The only thing is that bread is mentioned so many times- so eat your bread! it’s also important to eat seasonally and try to make your own foods like bread, nut milk, things like these.
Check out Calico & Twine for more on “How to Eat seasonally, yet eat Simply”
Examples of some of the foods included in the bible are:
- Herbs
- Bread
- Olive oil
- Barley
- Whole wheat
- Spelt (flour form too!)
- Lentils/ beans
- Figs
- Vegetables like leafy greens and root vegetables (basically all of them!)
- Fruits (some of my favorites are apples, mangos, dates, figs, grapes)
- Wild Honey
- Wild Fish ( with fins and scales!) check out this article to learn more
- Chicken, turkey
- Cow, ox, bison
Try going a whole week eating these delicious foods that God gave us and ask Him to help you crave them. Also, if you have a limited budget, frozen or canned also works.
Use caution when eating manmade-processed foods.
Proverbs 15:17, Romans 7:19-20
It’s soo hard to stay away from processed foods. But it is essential for us to do from time to time because of the temptations that it can bring. You can check out the verses from principles 1 & 2 that go over more in-depth on temptation.
Try: Think about the foods that do tempt you… they might be more processed. It’s okay to eat them, but being mindful and having self-control is essential (especially for myself) when eating sweet treats or other heavily flavored foods. even ask yourself, is this what the bible says is healthy eating?
Be mindful of what you are eating and be satisfied.
Ruth 2:14, proverbs 25:16, proverbs 23:2, 1 Corinthians 10:31
Ruth ate and was satisfied! Eating too much of a good thing can cause consequences. Ask God to help you with feeling satisfied after a meal.
All that you do, whether you eat or drink, do all to the glory of God.
Give Thanks for Your Meals
1 Timothy 4:3, Romans 14:6, Luke 22:19
When you pray and let God know you are thankful for the provision He set before you, you will enjoy your food that much more! He makes everything possible. Let us be like Jesus and do as Paul recommends and thank Him for our food always.
Remembering that Jesus is the Bread of Life that Will Satisfy and Fill Your Soul
I read this chapter this week and it was incredible. Get deep into the word in John chapter 6 and notice the beautiful things God is saying here. He is saying that only He can satisfy. Only He can provide the true food and the true life. Just Believe in Him and He will bring you up at the last day! He is greater than food- and that is liberating!
God will give you food freedom and freedom from food “addiction”
Matthew 7:7-8, Psalm 107:13-14, James 4:1-6, John 16:24
God wants you to ask for the things you need, you cant expect to receive freedom if you do not ask ?. I love this article by So Very Blessed:
“9 Bible Verses to Help you Find Food Freedom”
I hope you found this liberating and very nice to get into the Word and to see what Jesus has to say about food, and what/ how to eat!
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Check out how God healed my overeating tendencies!
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Hi! I’m Dacia. Here to fulfill Gods purpose of being kind to others and helping them to achieve better health. Follow me for more!
Lovely says
Dacia! This was soooo good. Nourishing to the body and soul. Shalom